Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Qualifying for your home purchase

Everyone wants the same thing.  I am not going to reinvent the wheel.  Instead, I am going to direct  you to this article from a trusted lender.

Need a good lender - check out Premier Capital Mortgage and Joe Farro's team of experts.  This is a recent email Joe sent out to keep folks informed:

Luxury Home

Shopping for a Low Interest Rate

Buying a home is likely the biggest purchase you will make, and even more likely a purchase that will require a loan. When dealing with a financial commitment such as this, understanding how to get the lowest possible interest rate could mean a difference of thousands of dollars. Home loans are a complicated business, so here are a few tips to help you shop for the lowest interest rate.

Qualifying for the Lowest Rates

Computer models fix a large percentage of the costs of a home loan with strict prequalification.  Loan officers are not able to give every client that walks in the door the same deal.  It is a good idea to be aware of your own credit score and equity, while also comparing rates in your local market, so you know what to expect.
For the best interest rates you'll likely need a credit score of at least 740 and have 20 percent equity. These figures are a general guide and are always changing.  However, if your score is considerably lower than this and you have low equity, be prepared for heavily increased rates compared to the best that are offered.

Be Prepared

The best thing you can do for yourself to make the loan process easier is to plan ahead and be prepared.  Be sure to gather all the necessary documents before you begin; to ensure timeliness and organization.  You should also prepare for the down payment by saving up monthly.  Depending on the lender and type of loan, you may be required to put anywhere from 2.25% to 20% of the purchase price down.  In addition, keep in mind the estimated closing costs, as many tend to forget to budget for these fees.  It’s never too late to start saving.
Another factor to consider is home insurance costs.  If insurance costs for your area are particularly low, it may free up some additional cash for loan repayments.  Tools like the home insurance calculator allow you to plug in all of your information to get an estimated cost for your home insurance.

Understand your Needs

Before going to speak to anyone about getting a home loan, be sure you are clear about what it is that you're looking for and what parameters you have set.  If for any reason they can't be met, be cautious of alternative offers that are suggested to you, as you may be persuaded down a different path.  

Looking Will Lead to the Right Rate

There’s no easy way around it if you want to find the lowest interest rates on a home loan.  You have to spend a long time looking, and you need a strategy.  It may not be something you're particularly interested in but if it saves you a large sum of money, it’s worth it.
You must compare similar policies; otherwise you're wasting your time, as a sensible comparison is almost impossible.  Consider the closing costs, interest rate, and lock period to ensure that they are comparable offers.

Move Quickly

As they say, time is money. Be sure to respond promptly to your lender if they require any additional information from you so you can keep the process moving.
If you've managed to find a great deal on your home loan, waiting around for ages while you try to better it or find the equity required to close the deal, is likely to end up costing you. Shopping around is certainly in your best interest. However with today’s market on the rise, rates are not likely to stay stagnant. So if you find a great rate that fits your needs don’t wait long to close it.
Also look into getting prequalified for a loan. This process is rather simple and can put you in a much better place to buy, as well as give you a great idea as to what you can expect to borrow.
Taking out a home loan is one of the biggest financial commitments you are likely ever going to make.  Make sure you put in the time to do your research and look around for the best possible deal.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Carpet Dents Be Gone! It really works!

Don't let carpet dents keep you from rearranging your furniture.  I had read about using ice cubes to take out carpet dents.  Guess what?  It really works.

I have a night stand that left a rather large indentation on the carpet.  The new night stand is much smaller.

So, I tried the icecube trick - first on a small spot - Success!

and then I did the whole thing!

Love it! All you have to do is lay the ice cubes on the dent, let them melt in, fluff up the carpet with y our hand and let it dry.  (I waited until it was dry before I put the piece back. Didn't want to take the risk of causing a stain on the damp carpet with the furniture leg.)

Taste of Henry

Last year, my husband and I attended The Taste of Henry.  We had a great time.  Proceeds from The Taste of Henry benefit A Friend's House, Henry County's emergency shelter for abused and neglected children.

Shelly was feeling shy so she grabbed
another patron for support and gave us
all a laugh - bubbly, happy personality
shows through in her products

We got to sample food from a lot of the smaller, local eateries including two of my favorites The French Market and Bliss Cupcakes.

Bliss is a great cupcake shop.  I bought cupcakes for a friend's birthday not too long ago and they had really unusual flavors, like key-lime and margarita.  They were beautiful, too; and yummmmyyy! 

The owner, Shelly, recently introduced soft-serve Gelato.  The chocolate was heavenly.  Be sure to check them out on the square in McDonough, 20 Macon Street, McDonough, GA 30253 (678) 272-6222.

Lauren serving the patrons, check out
the quaint decor.  If you think this
is pretty, you should see the restaurant.
I think the French Market had the longest line - I felt sorry for Lauren Noah-Fenster, the owner. We were there for a couple of hours and she didn't stop once.  She served everyone with a smile as she was dishing up po-boys, gumbo, cupcakes, bread pudding - it was all luscious.  Even her booth was pretty.

The French Market is coveniently located in a wonderful old building in Locust Grove, just minutes to the Tanger Outlet.  3840 Georgia 42 Locust Grove, GA 30248 (770) 914-9312 .

I've eaten their several times and it was excellent each time!

Support this great community event! Put it on your calendar for next Spring.