Monday, September 26, 2011

The tax man commeth and he's not always fair.

Since we have lost so much value in our properties, some folks haven't thought to have their taxes reviewed and are paying more than they should. 

I have had many clients ask me about how to appeal their taxes, so I thought I'd share what the Tax Assessor's office in Henry County, GA, told me today. 

The tax office sends assessments yearly in May. Once you receive it you may appeal it by writing a letter to the Tax Assessor. Any appeal must be done within 30 days of receipt of the assessment. Once the Tax Assessor reviews your file, they will send you another letter showing that they either agree or disagree with your appeal.

If they agree, they will state what your new tax amount would be.  If they disagree, they will state that and give you a procedure to appeal further. Should it be necessary to appeal their decision, you will need to bring evidence of recent sold properties to a hearing which would be convened to hear your case.

Believe it or not we have had a couple of properties re-assessed without asking for this to be done.  That was a pleasant surprise.  But since this is not the norm, you should really talk to the Tax Assessor’s Office directly and watch your mail for the assessment in May.
Should you need any assistance in gathering the recent sales in your area, give us a call.  We'd be happy to help.

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